sat on the floor abruptly without noticing the scissors slip out of my slim
fingers. The childish sketch of mine stuck on the card waiting to dry and the
pink beads half stuck on the sides, forgotten. Two nights ago, a lot of things
changed. The way I felt in that moment, I still do. It circulates like the
blood in my veins, at the back of my mind.I
didn’t know there were so many things more to know about him when we both moved
here to this dead city, which gave us so much life in return. Not that I wasn’t
happy to discover all over again. I’d never know how he smells like in the
mornings, how the fish he prepares tastes just like my Mother’s, how he watches
the news every day. All these things I’d never know if we were just our 16 and
17 year old self back in our little town.
I wake up in the morning and suddenly it hits me, everything’s going to be
different. It’s like sitting on a time bomb counting the days for it to explode
and I know I’m not going to die but the wound will impair me all the same. I
think I should pray but I don’t. I’m sitting here trying to find the reasons
why I’m so afraid when I shouldn’t be. I’m wondering how I should begin telling
you about it. I’ve told him I’m getting drunk on his birthday.